About Us

A Fresh Approach

Ok ,it’s true that we didn’t wake up one morning and suddenly decide .. Let’s make a new company that does things a little differently. And if we did then surely that’s what everyone else building  a business would say anyway. So what’s our differentiator, what’s our  niche? Well since I’ve grabbed your attention up to now you might like to stay tuned a little longer… 

Here comes the elevator speech!  Put simply, our differentiator is our ability to work hand in hand with your technology team and clinical groups to deliver improvements for service users and patients. Elevator speech over.! 

We decided that our differentiator was our knowledge and experience of deploying significant change in the healthcare domain, understanding of  the political sensitivities, public perceptions, stakeholder positions and a desire to work hand in hand with project teams to help deliver real outcomes, not just paper reports or strategy documents but real results by rolling up our sleeves with you to get things done. 

It was clear that we should establish a business with people who have, Been There, Done That and Bought the Teeshirt. (In fact, I recall the team actually getting tee-shirts for one go live and proudly wearing them to mark the occasion.!)

So we established Prozantas ,  a company of seasoned technologists four square and centred in the healthcare industry. We build specific teams to bespoke match your needs. We send these guys on your site and they work for you. This team will work to effect results with the clinical and ICT functions of hospitals. They work as integral components, they don’t have white horses, bottomless expense accounts, entrenched opinions and they will not laud on how things should be done. They just get the job done and befriend a lot of really good clinical and technology guys along the way.

We learn new ways of doing things each time and they bring that package to your teams. They have contacts in the industry that can be called upon to fix those really awkward and nagging problems and they will put their shoulder to the wheel to help the guys deliver product, technology, clinical practice and data integrations.

So we are far less about paper pushing or finger pointing and we are more about teamwork, delivering product  and making significant change for the better. (Ok maybe just a little more of the elevator speech)

Christopher Brown

Say hello to Chris. He's just standing in for us while we put our site together. Thanks buddy!

Laura Spielberg

Laura is also helping us out for a while as we put our site together. Thanks Laura!

Jessie Olive

Yep, you guessed it, Jessie is Laura's best friend. "Thanks Jessie!"

Pam Lipton

and Pam is happy to help to. "Thanks Pam, much appreciated"